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Maugli our days - Gruesome Story

Get acquainted with children who have been completely isolated from the person. Transfer tells about the improbable bridge between human life and animals.

Children of the jungle ("Maugli", "feralny people" from armor. fera — a wild animal) — human children who lived out of contact with people with early age and practically didn't feel concern and love from other person, had no experience of social behavior and communication. Such children left parents, are brought up by animals or live in isolation.

In literature it is in English described a little more than hundred similar cases though many could not become known. They represent a great interest for researchers in the field of psychology and sociology. Children brought up by animals show (within physical opportunities of the person) the behavior peculiar for the reception parents, for example, fear before the person.

If before isolation from society children had some skills of social behavior, process of their rehabilitation happens much more simply. Those who lived in society of animals the first 3.5 — 6 years of life, practically can't master human language, directly go, is comprehended to communicate with other people, without looking even for the years spent in subsequent in the society of people where they received enough care. It shows once again, for development of the child the first years of his life are how important.

If the child was brought up by monkeys, rehabilitation process in principle would have to take place easier, and the forecast — to be more favorable, than at children who have got to society of other animals. However it happens extremely seldom (if at all happens) as large monkeys (a chimpanzee, gorillas, especially orangutans) avoid human settlements; as for monkeys of smaller types (for example, baboons), cases when they kidnapped human children are known, but it isn't known any case when the child grew in their pack. Most often wolves, sometimes — bears become "reception parents" feralny children.

Myths, legends and other literary works also describe children brought up by wild animals, such as wolves and bears. Known examples are Maugli Rudyard Kipling, Tarzan Edgar Rice Burrows, Romul and Rhemes. Legendary and literary "children of the jungle" are often represented as people with rather normal human mind and physical abilities, and also with an innate sense of culture, but with more developed instinct of a survival.
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Through Thai - pedophiles Has accumulated a large estate fraud

Through Thai - pedophiles persuade believers that he settled in the spirit of ancient miracles.

Only the contributions of a large number of priest was able to accumulate property. Police allegedly seized assets worth 800 thousand poor monk, including a Harley-Davidson-Motorcycles, cars and several collections of his own house, according to rus.ruvr.ru

Internet has exposed a monk. Photo of a social network, where instead of a monk praying dakavebli, a private plane, he traveled with the have-nots, and there, side by side on a chair, Louis Vuitton-Bag's it.

Berry, also a suspected juvenile sexual violence and drug possession.
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